今回の情報開示で、JFK暗殺 関連で報告書の黒塗り以上に関連文書として開示されたラムズフェルドからロバート・ケネディ司法長官(当時)に当てた手紙

The Honorable Robert F Kennedy
The Artorney General of the United States
Wahington 25,D.C.
Dear Mr.Kennedy:
Several thoughtful and valued constituents have expressed their concern to me over a report in the June 28th issue of the Dhicago edition of the Wall Street journal which indicated that the determination by the Justice Department of the question of the registration of the American Zionist Council as an agent of the Israell. Government will depend upon then risk of offending Jewish opinion in the United States.
I would greatly appreciate your comments on this stqatement and also a report as to the policy the Department of Justice will follow in determing this question.
ワシントン D.C.